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update, only 1 egg hatched, but its now 6 days old, so hopefully parents will keep feeding it. the other pair, I removed the eggs as not viable, so will see if they try again. :)
One is better than none lol
Good luck for more.
I am absolutely delighted! just think the humidity was wrong and the 2 eggs that were fertile couldn't break out. lesson learned there.
I am tentatively not counting any chicks until they are molted and in full colour haha until then.. holding my breath but super excited. it looks like its going to be a ytb normal. I will see if I have a pic to upload. bear with me :D
I have always learnt, you never know their true colours until they moult through.
haha true! Dad is a yellow head, mum is a normal. so if this little one makes it I will let you know, I did use the colour calculator and it gave me a right mix lol but its head is darkening so fairly sure its going to have a normal head :) do you have a nodule chart on the site at all?
thank you! so the nodes really only determine the back colour then? the only difference I can see with the green/blue there is the middle nodules ar a slightly paler yellow.
Even those are not guaranteed. I was going to develop a gene calculator but in all fairness, they are totally unreliable and misleading. I wouldn't waste my time developing one when I could spend my time adding useful features to the site 😄
lol fair enough :)