Many times I have been asked what I use as a substrate for the bottom of my cages, well, it depends on several things.You may not have a lot of money, or are limited by what you can get from your local pet store, or simply do not know what is the best substrate to use. We don't want to make things difficult for anyone, so we will try to keep things simple here on this page.
I have heard of all kinds of things being used for the floor of cages and aviaries, but were they safe for the birds? was it ideal for the environment they were being kept in?, was it cheap, or expensive? Some substrates can be cleaned and reused which can save a lot of money. Floor substrates also depend on the species of bird you are planning to keep.
What are the common substrates used to cover the floor?
There are various types, some may not even be listed here, but here is a short list of some substrates commonly used.
1. Wood Chips
2. Newspaper
3. Nothing
4. Rubber Matting
5. Straw
6. Hay
7. Meadow Grass
8. Soil
9. Fake Grass
10. Bird Safe Sand
Some of the above need to be considered depending on species of bird. You would not use hay, straw or bird safe sand for finches, nor would you use bird safe sand for chickens, as an example.
Depending on where you are, it can all be down to avialability, you might not be able to get the ideal floor substrates for your birds. In this case, a substitute would be the next best thing, looking through the list above can help with selecting other substrates. For those on low incomes, you may not be able to afford the correct substrates, again, using the list above, you could select an alternative which may be cheaper.
I only keep finches indoors, my preference of floor substrates is a product by Aubiose or Easibed, which is wood chips. I find it dust free, very clean and easy to manage. The cost is reasonable in my opinion for what it is. I use newspaper for my smaller breeding cages because they are changed daily, and they are quicker to clean. I 'never' use wired bottom cages ever, they can damage or even kill your birds when they become trapped in the bars. They should be removed or covered with paper to avoid trapping your birds.
Some floor substrates can be the perfect breeding ground for mites and other parasites, so regular changing will be required. Soil, straw, hay and wood chips are prime examples. Straw and hay can hold a lot of water which can cause issues with mould, another reason to change these substrates often. Newspaper of course will soak up water, but will dry out quickly, if not too many layers have been applied. Bird sand will hold a lot of water and will turn hard as it dries out. Soil too can hold a lot of water, it can cause many problems, if not changed on a regular basis.
If your cage or aviary is tall, you will need to consider that your birds at some point may fall. Falling from a great height on to a hard surface can be fatal. Having a soft surface on which to fall, can make a difference to whether they live or die if they fall. Birds in their seniour should not be housed in tall cages, or aviaries anyway, they can be prone to falls. If your cages or aviary does happen to be tall, then I would suggest you double up the floor substrates to cussion any falls.
Pet shops are not always the best place to buy floor substrates, or any other products for that matter. If you want the best for your birds, I would recommend joining a bird club, where you can get access to virtually everything you need for your birds, and at a much lower price. Most shops just want to sell everything, and make a profit, bird clubs usually run the clubs for the hobby. Most people who run bird clubs are knowlegable, and have many years experience. They can provide valuable information as well as sell you the right items for your birds.
If you have an aviary, and the floor is always wet or damp, then do not put any substrate on it. If it is a solid floor, such as concrete, then find the cause of the dampness, then fix it. You could raise the floor by putting another layer of concrete on it, then apply a substrate. If the floor is damp, or wet soil, then I would either build a platform on the top of it, or lay concrete on top before putting any substrate on it. Most substrates are absorbants, wet substrates do your birds no good at all.
Avoid using dusty substrates. Birds respiratory systems are much more sensitive than humans, dusty environments can kill your birds easily. I would highly suggest avoiding using regular sand, or sand that is not bird friendly, there is a good reason why some sands are called 'bird friendly'. Most sand is usually a combination of glass, and other abrasive materials which can do some serious harm to your birds, if ingested.
If you are still unsure which substrate to use for your birds floor, I would ask someone with experience to make sure you get not only the right material, but also the best. Remember, your birds feet have to last them their whole lives, their feet must be in the best condition possible at all times. Standing on rough, sharp or poor quality surfaces can cause many issues such as Bumble-Foot, Scaly Mite problems, loss of limbs, or cuts and abrasions.