Site Updates & Information

Updated: 16th March 2025


Various, 16th March 2025 (Completed)

Updated the navigation menu from the old standard dropdown menu to a much fancier Mega Menu, making everything easier to find. I have added more pages with some great reading content. Minified our css code for better mobile device usability, and page load speed. Removed some old sections of the site, such as articles, finch list, finch finder. With much completed work, I am concentrating on cleaning up the site code, to help with page load speeds at present.


New pages & general update

Some new pages have been added, more new pages are in the process of being written. The new navigaion bar is taking a little longer than planned but is 95% complete. Hoping to get this implemented within the next week or so.


What's new?
We have added some new features to the site for our members to use, they have been bug tested as much as possible but if in the unlikely event you do find a bug then please use the Contact Us form to let us know, so it can be fixed as soon as possible.


Various, 13th November 2024 (Completed)

Well well well, we have been busy. Lots of code fixes throughout the site, reorganised pages, removed some pages and have added a lot more pages. 

On the forum we have added so many more features such as, vote up or down comments, added more feature buttons, improved layout for Mobile users and PC users. 

We have added bot accounts so that search engines, crawlers or spiders can help index the site better for search engines. We can now see guests browsing the site and where they are looking. The view online section has had a massive overhaul to help improve the overall look and improve efficiency. Profile photos can now be .gif so you can have animated profile photos. 

We have created a photo gallery so that you can keep a nice collection of all your photos. The photos can be uploaded in the forum comments easily simply by opening the gallery, selecting a photo, then it will be placed in the editor. I have probably forgotten to list a lot of things as there was too much that have been changed.

There is still a lot more to do, but will update you all as we implement them.


Articles, 19th June 2023 (Completed)

Members can now create articles which can be added to our lists, you will also have the ability to manage them at any time. If you feel you have something worthy of contributing, then why not give it a try.


Bird Conventions, 7th May 2023 (Completed)

Bird Conventions and similar events are very popular among avian enthusiasts but knowing where & when these events are taking place can be problematic until now. We have developed a new system to allow organisers to list their upcoming events right here on our site. Totally managed by the organisers, they will have the ability to keep their page updated, change the style or design their very own style just like a webpage.


Buy & Sell, Lost n Found, 27th April 2023 (Completed)

We have made a nice little change to this section to allow our members to place adverts of birds lost or found. Simply go to your Create Advert page in your member's panel then select the option from the Listing Type, it is as simple as that.😄


Bird Clubs, 27th April 2023 (Completed)

Now, our members can list their Bird Clubs on our site. We have simplified many features to help keep things less complicated for you. If you do not have your own website, then you can easily use your listing as your homepage and create your own fancy style. We have implemented the option to add external links below your text editor, by adding a link in any of the fields the final result will turn in to an image link automatically.


Site Name & Address Changed, 1st April 2023 (Completed)

We had to change the name and address of the website, which I know can be a pain for some (it was for us) but, it was required to allow for us to expand for what we have planned for the site. Some links may no longer work correctly but, those will be fixed as we come across them. The old domain name will likely be put up for sale, as it has accumulated some value over the years. Please report any broken links to us, so we may fix them. Thank you.


Buy/Sell Birds & Accessories, 26th March 2023 (Completed)

Reconfigured to allow for full sized photos, better optimization also to show the photo when shared to social media. Small photo dimensions are no longer allowed, min width 920px x min height 300px, 3mb is the max file size allowed. Some minor bugs fixed.


Tabletop Bird Sales & Bird Shows, 9th March 2023 (Completed)

After a lot of thought, I decided to develop two systems that would run side by side, allowing me to separate Tabletop Bird Sales from Bird Shows. It is a massive job on my behalf as it requires a lot of programming & time, but it will be worth it for those that use it. They are both very complex systems, but I am doing my best to test them out as best I can, so you get the best user experience.


Image Dropbox, 27th February 2023 (Completed)

I have implemented a Dropbox for our members where you can send us photos or other pictures that we could use for the site. It is very simple to use, just select a file then click upload. Only you, the Moderators and Admins can see what photos you have uploaded to keep it all private. You can upload or search your photos by category. With each photo you upload, you can leave a comment which is optional, and you can also delete any photo you have uploaded.


Genetic Calculator (Forecaster) 5th February 2023

After popular requests, I may consider developing a Genetic Calculator for the site. Although I myself believe they are a waste of time, other people however seem to like and want them. If I do develop one, I will make sure it works as accurate as possible. Those that know me would know that I like to go that step further, I'd develop a full-blown system which would include a standard option, advanced option and of course the expert option. The advanced and expert options would include grandparents of the birds or even higher generations to help produce more accurate results for the predictions. So, this project IS in the pipeline for the near future.

ℹī¸ Avian Manager (In Development) 27th January 2023

I have decided to attempt to implement the avian manager in to this website, so it can be used online. This will help get around the issue with different platforms such as Windows, Android, Linux etc. You will be able to upload images, your database (if you have one) & you will be able to download the database so that you can upload it another time. If you do not have a database, then the site will create one for you 😎. The database will be a file which would contain breeding logs, images & other information. It will have full functionality, allowing you full control of the user interface. Nothing like this has ever been done before as far as I know on the internet, so it will be in Beta mode for some time to test how well it works.


The original software was written in C++ & halfway through programming I realized I was unable to convert the software to run on other platforms other than Windows, Linux or over the web. A web based program would allow any browser to connect & use the online Avian Manager as a webpage at the same time, eliminating platform issues. It is a big undertaking, but I think the results will be met with satisfaction in the end. It will also eliminate the cost of the end user having to buy the software. 😀 If too much work is involved, then paid access may be implemented. The cost would be minimal if paid access was ever required, but we are not at that point yet, so let's not jump to conclusions right now. More information will be added here at a later date when I know more...


New Pages. (Ongoing) 27th January 2023

We are always adding new pages to the site, we will list them here as we progress. Recent pages added: Charts, Egg Binding.


Images. (Completed) 27th January 2023

Better quality image processing & now allows more file types to be uploaded. This will directly affect Profile Photos, Tabletop Bird Sales/Shows, Buy/Sell Birds/Accessories.


iPhone Chat box. (Completed)
I created this mostly for fun, but it is also a good way for new members to chat with other bird fanciers without having to worry about silly rules or snooping from many social media sites. No chats are recorded, logged, saved at all. It is not the perfect chat and has minimal functionality, but it does what it was intended.


Tabletop Bird Sales/Shows. (Completed)
This section has been designed for those people who organize either Bird Tabletop Sales or those who organize Bird Shows only. It is fully managed by themselves and should be kept updated, or it will self delete after around 6 - 8 weeks. Pages can be nicely styled using our text editors which give a generous list of tools at your disposal, they can also be made to look like a website of their own. At a later time, I will be re-designing the system to separate the Tabletop sales/Shows into two individual systems i.e. Tabletop Sales and of course Bird Shows respectively.


About me. (Completed)
A new Addition has been just added to your profiles which allows each member the option to write a bit about themselves or their hobby or even write a story. All you have to do is click on the navigation bar, click Control Panel > My Profile then at the bottom click Edit my profile to see the new text field.


I have discontinued development on the Gouldian Finch Information Pack for various reasons. Because it was developed in a rushed manner, it was prone to poor grammar & spelling mistakes, not to mention some of the layouts I was not really happy with. I was unable to get all the images/photos I needed to complete the project, but I would like to thank everyone who did allow me to use their own photos for the project. Maybe one day I may re-create the project and have a better final version.


To-Do List. (Completed)
I plan to create a whole new Private Messaging system, the one being used at present works well and is pretty secure, but I personally do not like how it works, so I will be working on a totally new system soon. The one issue I do not like is the scrolling text on the message subject line because it can be hard for some users to click on. (I know, I had fun chasing it too 😁).


Text to speech.
I plan to add a button to each page that allows visitors/members to use the text to speech function for those who have troubles reading. Hopefully it will help a lot of people who struggle to read.