Some of the biggest problems you may come across when keeping birds are humidity, mould and dampness issues. Depending on your climate or environment, you may never experience any of these issues (lucky you). When you find you do have a problem with one or more of these issues, it can be a real challenge to solve the problem. These three problems are all linked, dampness can cause high humidity, and high humidity can cause dampness. Both dampness and high humidity can cause mould, but mould does not cause either dampness or high humidity.
On this page, I will explain, the best I can, ways to deal with each of these problems. Mould has been an arch enemy of not only humans, but just about anything living since the beginning of time. If your home is old, or in disrepair then it is likely, there may be a mould issue which needs dealing with. Mould will kill your birds eventually, and can also kill humans in much the same way, but just over a longer period of time.
What causes mould?
Mould is a type of fungus, it can only survive in damp or moist locations. Remove the dampness, and the mould will eventually disappear. Under the right conditions where humidity, and dampness are just right, mould will reach the stage where it will release spores. These spores are so small, the human eye never really see them. The spores travel by air movement until they land in a suitable environment, where they will start the whole process over again.
Breathing in these spores can lead to what in known as Aspergillosis. Even to birds, these spores are tiny, enough where they too can breathe them in, leading to Aspergillosis. Aspergillosis is where the fungus grows within the respiratory tract that eventually leads to severe breathing issues.
Here in the UK, we still have a lot of old Victorian houses which are not well insulated, are cold, damp with a musty smell, condensation on the windows, mould growing on the damp walls, windows. Even some new homes, that were not built well, suffer with mould issues.
Too many indoor plants can cause mould, dampness or humidity as the water from the pots evaporate into the room. Poorly ventilated rooms trap the moisture causing dampness, and high humidity, both of which create the perfect environment for mould.
You will almost never find mould in a dry, low humidity environment, mould needs the moisture to survive. There are of course many types of mould, black mould usually being the most common. Mildew, which is usually pure white, is also a common mould and is often found growing on plants, but can also grow on wood or similar items. Mould come in many forms and colours, each having their own risk level to health. Gray mould, usually found on decaying food, can also be a problem to health if breathed in or ingested. Blue mould, which also can be seen growing on rotting fruit or vegetables, can also be seen growing on ceilings or tops of walls. Blue mould is caused my a fungus known as Penicillium. There are many other types of mould, but these will be the most common you will find.
Now you know what causes mould, it should help make it easier to deal with if you are having issues with it. From my experience, heat plays no part where mould is concerned. It can be hot or freezing cold, mould can still persist, it is all about the moisture, and air movement.
Anything rotten should be removed and replaced. If there is a leak, fix it. If something is damaged causing moisture, fix it. Mould is deadly, it causes many problems, I speak from personal experience. Wall cavity insulation can cause mould because it stops any humidity passing through the walls to be expelled outside.
My cage has some mould on it, what should I do?
If the cage is made from wood, I'd either replace the whole section that has the mould, or I would throw the cage away to prevent the mould from spreading. If the cage is made from metal or plastic, then washing it off, making sure it is dried well, should be fine. Any signs of mould, do not mess about, get rid of it right away.
I have condensation on my windows, is it harmful to my birds?
Yes, condensation on the windows means that moisture in that room is unable to get out, which will eventually lead to mould growth. Dry off the window using paper towels or a dry cloth, then open a vent/window.
Some of the wood on my outside aviary is rotten, will it be OK?
No, replace the section as soon as possible. Mould is just as dangerous outside as it is indoors. Always check outdoor aviaries for parts that are beginning to rot, and replace at the nearest time possible. It may not affect you, but it will affect your birds' health.
One or more of my birds are struggling to breath, could this be Aspergillosis?
Aspergillosis can be diagnoses by an avian vet, if you suspect Aspergillosis, then take the bird to an avian vet right away, because it needs to be caught early for any chance of survival. If there is mould present, then there is a chance it would well be Aspergillosis.
For those who do not know what humidity is, it is the amount of water in the air. It is usually measured by percentage (%). An example, humidity level of 30% - 50% is considered normal, whereas 75% would be considered high. 100% humidity is basically just pure water, and 0% is the absence of water.
Excessive water in the cage or aviary, can contribute to dampness in your room, or in an outdoor aviary, especially if in a shed, or bird room. Drinkers kept in the same location never being moved about, baths over filled, or splashes from the birds soaking the floor, and walls. These all cause dampness, increases the humidity level, which can lead to mould. Although birds do need a lot of water, checking for mould caused by dampness should be part of a regular routine. First signs of dampness issues are usually found by observing the windows.
Dehumidifiers can work wonders against rooms with high humidity, or dampness, but is also a very costly way of dealing with it. It can never be a permanent solution, the root of the problem should be found and addressed.
Birds that are trying to nest in a room with high humidity, or dampness, may suffer because they will be unable to regulate the incubation process correctly. Nests me become soggy or damp, even soaking wet. Mould may take over the nest, destroying the eggs, chicks or even the adult birds.
Birds kept indoors, should not really be kept in the same room where someone might keep a fish tank, fish tanks can cause dampness in a room where the water evaporates into the air. This too I know from personal experience, because I used to keep marine fish, the humidity was always high in that room.