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Support Requests Rules
Please read these rules before posting anywhere in this part of the forum.
By: SiteAdmin > Mon 17th Jul 2023 23:07 pm

Support Requests Rules

These are the rules for this section of the forum. It is important to read this first before posting anywhere in this section.

Please respect other members and keep personal disputes off our website. We do not put up with bullying, intimidating, bad language, problem members. Persistent troublemakers will end up having access to the service removed, creating new accounts to bypass the ban will get you a hard ban. A hard ban involves a complete ban on your Username, IP, IP range, email address among other things and in some extreme cases, your Internet Service Provider.

We are trying to build a friendly community where people of all ages and race can come together to learn or share knowledge about the avian world. Many people will likely be asking for assistance to help resolve a problem, if you can help then that is great. If you are the one requesting help, then please do not make repeat posts for the same issue, it will not get you help any faster.

Avoid post bumping (replying with rubbish to your own post to put your post back to the top of the list). 

The above rules will be updated later.

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Joined: Sun 01st Nov 2015 22:17 pm

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