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Avian Directory

The Avian Directory contains user submitted bird tabletop sales, bird shows, avian conventions, bird clubs, birds buy or sell, accessories buy or sell, birds lost and found. Lots of information on bird care or other bird related information can also be found on our site. We are always learning something new about our beloved birds every day, sharing what we have learnt creates a great library for others to learn from us. Why not register with us and be part of our community, then have access to shared information, software, photos and videos.


Currently we are developing a forum for the site to help people where we can. It is a lot of work for the team here at Avian Directory but we should manage. We want to bring the best quality of service we can so that you have a great experience on the site.
There are other plans for more features to be included to the site but that will be for a later date. If you have any questions, please use the Contact us form.

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